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Darryl Millis
May 19, 20214 min read
Does Conservative Management of Cruciate Ligament Injury Shorten Lifespan?
Orthopedic problems can certainly affect our dog’s quality of life, but can they affect quantity of life, or lifespan? Cranial cruciate...
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Darryl Millis
Jun 20, 20207 min read
Elbow Dysplasia or Elbow Displeasure?
Undeniably, elbow dysplasia leads to elbow displeasure. Recently, we polled our My Lame Dog Facebook group regarding the likelihood of a...
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Darryl Millis
Jun 20, 20206 min read
The evidence is in regarding overweight dogs. And it's not pretty
Hi again. The previous post on exercise before growth plate closure in dogs generated quite a bit of interest. Some people were a bit...
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Darryl Millis
Jun 20, 20208 min read
What is the Logic Behind Not Exercising Puppies Until the Growth Plates are Closed?
Over the years, many breeders, trainers, and owners have said that puppies should not be exercised until the growth plates are closed. I...
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Darryl Millis
Jun 20, 20203 min read
Remember our Canine Soldiers on Veteran's Day
While we certainly need to remember and thank our human military soldiers on Veteran's Day, we also need to remember our canine soldiers....
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Darryl Millis
Jun 20, 20202 min read
Things aren't always what they seem to be
I saw a case this week of an 11 year old 35 kg dog that had a 3 month duration of a right forelimb lameness, which seemed to begin after...
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Darryl Millis
Jun 20, 20203 min read
Don't wait too long for hip dysplasia surgery
I saw a case last week, that was an 8 month old female dog that had hip dysplasia. One hip had minimal to no signs of arthritis on the...
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Darryl Millis
Jun 20, 20203 min read
Cut the Fat
This may be one of the most important things that you read about treating your dog’s arthritis. As I mentioned, I visited the Obesity...
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Darryl Millis
Jun 20, 20203 min read
September is Animal Pain Awareness Month
I am always amazed how often pain is overlooked in dogs (and cats). This month is Animal Pain Awareness Month (also Pain Awareness Month...
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Darryl Millis
Jun 20, 20202 min read
Dropped Hock
I saw two cases today with a dropped hock. The first one was a working dog that got one of the hind limbs caught on a car door; a...
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Darryl Millis
Jun 20, 20201 min read
Stifle problems in larger dogs are not always cruciate ligament ruptures
I recently saw a case that was referred for a cranial cruciate ligament rupture. However, it did not have instability when the cranial...
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